Visit one of the QEP writing labs at Peace 230, Simmons 328, or ACAD 270 to do this assignment. Remember the QEP part of this class is the Wiki writing assignments. You will be asked about how that has added to the class and whether it is beneficial. The following is an excerpt from the email I received:
-The QEP writing assessment was mentioned in the syllabus, as part of the QEP class
-Time frame: over the next 2 weeks, starting Monday
-Students visit QEP writing labs at Peace 230, Simmons 328, or ACAD 270
-Writing Specialists help them log in and they can write the assignment then -- 20-30 minutes
-Students will write about having been in THIS QEP (Art Appreciation) class this semester
-Questions will prompt them to reflect on comparing being in this class to being in other ASU classes, assignments and techniques they have found worthwhile, etc.
-It is not an essay, but paragraphed. It is scored by an off-campus service, and students will be able to see results afterward.